Texas Medical Board
Non-Certified Radiologic Technician Permit


Welcome to the Non-Certified Radiologic Technician Permit Application

Applying for this permit is convenient and easy, requiring only a few simple steps:

  • Enter all requested information.
  • Review the information you entered and modify, if necessary.
  • Pay the non-refundable permit fee using one of the following:
    • MasterCard,
    • Visa,
    • Discover,
    • American Express, or
    • Electronic Check.
  • View and print the receipt.

Please be advised that you must either be on the NCT registry with the Department of State Health Services or your employer must have a hardship exemption from the Department of State Health Services. If you are claiming a hardship exemption, you must submit appropriate documentation proving your hardship exemption. A permit will not be issued without sufficient proof.

Do you have a current (unexpired) Non-Certified Radiologic Technician license issued by the Texas Medical Board?

If you need to renew a current license please go to http://www.tmb.state.tx.us/professionals/online_regis.php and select Non-Certified Radiologic Technician Registration Online to being that process. If your permit is expired, or you are unable to log in, please contact Board offices at (512) 305-7030 for renewal information.

Read the Guidelines to continue.